Looking for the best stocks to swing trade today? You’ve come to the right place. We’re going to save you a whole lot of time, frustration, and hopefully, losses on trades.

But – there’s a catch. We’re not just going to give you a list of stocks you can swing trade today. That’s because “the best” is something that changes day to day as market conditions shift and companies evolve. Thus, we’re going to give you something far more powerful than a list of stocks you can swing trade right now. Instead, we’ll teach you how to find the best stocks to swing trade.

These are tried and true principles that will help you enjoy profitable trading at a high rate of accuracy. The best part? While we’ll definitely go over traditional technical analysis, what we’re going to show you today will transform the way you trade the stock market.

With the VectorVest stock forecasting solution, you can effortlessly uncover the best stocks for swing trading on any given day. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not – and soon, you’ll see firsthand how powerful this software can be. Let’s not waste any more time…

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Why We Can’t Give You a List of the Best Stocks for Swing Trading Today…

We know you came here hoping for a list of the best stocks to swing trade today. And technically, we can give you that. After all, there are proprietary screeners within the VectorVest platform that bring amazing opportunities to your fingertips day in, and day out. These are updated in real-time so you always have access to the best stocks for swing trading on any given day.

However, these screeners are ever-changing as companies evolve – something we touched on earlier. What may be a great swing trading stock pick today may not be a few days from now – or even tomorrow. That’s why we can’t give you a list of the best stocks for swing trading today. Instead, we can teach you how to uncover the best opportunities on any given day. This will allow you to find consistent, repeatable success in the stock market. So – with that said, here are the characteristics of what makes a great swing trading stock.

What are the Best Stocks to Swing Trade? Characteristics of a Winning Opportunity

Knowing what characteristics define a stock as an optimal swing trading opportunity is what sets novice traders apart from experienced traders. Understanding these principles is what dictates the swing trading success rate you see.

The most important characteristics to look for when identifying swing trading opportunities include:

  • Rising in value so you can capitalize on the short-term swing in price
  • Limited downside potential so potential losses are minimized
  • High liquidity so it’s easier to move in and out of a stock

When it comes to swing trading, in particular, you aren’t as focused on finding companies that exhibit solid financials in the long run – you’re only looking to make a small profit in the short-term price swings along the overall price trajectory. They have the potential to make you money in just days – not weeks or months. It’s important to note that there will always be some risk involved, but these stocks tend to provide excellent rewards with minimal downside risk. For more information on how swing trading works, check out our guide to swing trading for beginners.

Now that we’ve outlined what makes a great swing trading stock, let’s discuss how to find them using traditional methods.

How to Find the Best Stocks to Swing Trade With Traditional Methods

Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. But – teach a man how to fish, and he’ll never go hungry again. This age-old saying applies to learning swing trading, too. It would be really easy to just give you a list of stocks to swing trade right now – but you won’t be able to repeat any success you see if you don’t know how to find the best stocks to swing trade on your own.

Setting Up Stock Screeners to Pull in Winning Opportunities

The best way to find the stocks for swing trading is to create systems that do the work for you – bringing winning opportunities right to your fingertips on a daily basis. That’s where stock screeners come in.

Setting up stock screeners can be as simple or complex as you’d like them to be. A basic screener may pull in stocks above a certain price, with a certain level of volume and liquidity, and a certain number of days between what the stock opened at versus what it closed at. This is just one example – but there are so many different variables you can use to build custom screeners that work best for what you’re looking for.

Tracking Indicators to Know When You’re In (or Out)

When it comes to swing trading, timing is everything – and that’s where tracking indicators come in handy. By analyzing charts and trends, you’ll get an understanding of what kind of price activity a stock has seen over time – and what kind of activity it may see in the future.

Indicators like Moving Averages, Bollinger Bands, RSI, MACD, etc., can tell you what the best stocks to swing trade are right now – what might be coming up next – and when it’s time to exit a position.

For swing trading, in particular, momentum indicators will be your bread and butter. Setting up screeners with these types of indicators will bring in stocks that are rising in value or are poised to make a jump. We wrote a complete guide on the best indicators for swing trading talking all about these.

If you want to learn more about finding and analyzing stocks using traditional techniques like this, we recommend reading our guide on how to learn swing trading. We’ll provide basic principles that will prove invaluable as you start out with small account trading and grow your portfolio over time. With that said, it could all be so much easier than this. So – let’s talk about how to find the best stocks for swing trading with VectorVest.

How to Find the Best Stocks to Swing Trade With VectorVest

VectorVest is a revolutionary stock analysis software that does what no other program can do: it allows you to pinpoint winning stocks in seconds and then make the best moves to capitalize on those opportunities. The best part? You technically don’t have to do any work yourself!

Just pull up our stock picks on any given day and find opportunities that align with your trading strategy. We have proprietary screeners in place to find the hottest stocks with high momentum on any given day – but we also have screeners that uncover the safest stocks. So you can even use the system to help you out with your retirement portfolio strategy or help you retire on dividends alone.

Once you’ve found the right screener for your strategy, pick the stocks that we’ve rated the highest. The system utilizes a simple, tried-and-true approach to stock analysis. Instead of relying on complex technical indicators or chart patterns, you’re given just three easy-to-understand ratings that tell you everything you need to know: relative value (RV), relative safety (RS), and relative timing (RT). These sit on a scale of 0.00-2.00 for effortless interpretation. Just pick stocks closest to 2 and win more trades!

Just uncover opportunities, find your entry, and time your exit – capturing profit along the way. It’s that easy – because VectorVest provides a clear buy, sell, or hold recommendation for any given stock, at any given time. You don’t need to play the guessing game when vetting opportunities or letting emotions cloud your judgment.

You’re even given insights into market sentiment each and every day so you know when conditions are favorable, and when it makes more sense to sit on the sidelines. And through the stock advisory app, you can take your investments on the go – never miss an opportunity again, even when you’re not at your computer.

If you want to see how it works, you can get a free stock analysis here. Then, get your trial started and see firsthand how easy it is to uncover the best stocks for swing trading on any given day!

Final Thoughts on Finding the Best Stocks for Swing Trading

Now that you know how to find the best stocks for swing trading, you have a choice to make.

Do you want to do things the old-fashioned way and spend more time in front of your screen – opening the door to human error and emotional decision-making? 

OR – do you want to rely on a simple approach to swing trading that allows you to enjoy profitable trading with minimal work? Once you see what’s possible with VectorVest, you will never look back. Get started today!

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