16 01, 2014

Bull or Bear Market

By |2022-09-27T14:11:42+00:00January 16th, 2014|Categories: Stock Market|Tags: , , |

Bull or Bear Market? VectorVest’s Weekly Market Climate Report 1/10/14 VectorVest’s ‘truth chart’ provides an objective way to analyze the macroeconomic state of the market. Basically, the Truth Chart unemotionally answers the question: are we in a bear market? Or a bull market? In bull markets, the majority of stocks rise and investors can hold [...]

27 08, 2013

Sure-Fire Success Guarantee

By |2022-09-27T14:11:43+00:00August 27th, 2013|Categories: Stock Market|

FREE SURE-FIRE SUCCESS PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE. If you click on "Two-Day Investment Seminar" at the top of the Views, you will be taken to a webpage that headlines "The Secret to Making Money in 2013!" The supporting text says, "This informative seminar is designed to teach you all about the VectorVest System from the ground up. [...]

19 06, 2013

How to Customize Your Graphs in VectorVest 7

By |2022-09-27T14:11:43+00:00June 19th, 2013|Categories: Stock Market|

VectorVest 7 has a cool, black look. It's easy on the eyes and it looks sharp! But what if you want to print out a chart? You certainly don't want to use all your printer's ink! Or what if you just prefer the white look of VectorVest 6? Did you know you can change the look of your graphs? Here's how:

24 05, 2013

New Trading as a Business Course

By |2022-09-08T14:06:39+00:00May 24th, 2013|Categories: Stock Market|

VectorVest is pleased to announce the release of Trading as a Business, a three-day course for serious investors. This course is designed to provide the information, knowledge and plan you need to put yourself in control of your future.

18 04, 2013

Market Timing Makes a Difference

By |2022-09-08T14:06:39+00:00April 18th, 2013|Categories: Stock Market|

The VectorVest MTI Makes It Easy to View Underlying Market Trends! As the graph below indicates, VectorVest's proprietary MTI (Market Timing Indicator) makes it so easy to see what's going on with the underlying trend of the market. This helps you avoid complacency and overexposure at market tops. Notice how VectorVest's MTI is trending lower, [...]

27 03, 2013

How To Buy Stocks

By |2022-09-08T14:06:39+00:00March 27th, 2013|Categories: Stock Market|

VectorVest prides itself in guiding investors on when to buy, what to buy and when to sell stocks. We believe in buying rising stocks in rising markets. The Color Guard is prominently displayed on the Home Page and is designed to provide fast, visual information on market direction. When I buy a stock, I want to see it close the day with a gain. So I want to be absolutely certain that both the market and the stock are rising at the very instant I hit the Buy button.

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