About: Jason Novak


Bio: Jason has been a consistent contributor to VectorVest and has a blended interest in technology and finance, which he has written about for over a decade. When he's not demystifying complex financial topics or sharing a quick analysis of hot stocks on a given day, you may find him on the golf course or exploring all that Northern California has to offer.

Posts by Jason Novak:

John Deere (DE) Shines Once Again in 1st Quarter Earnings, So Why Did the Stock Drop?

Posted on: 22 May 2023

What is Market Timing Strategy?

Posted on: 22 May 2023

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had the ability to consistently enter a position as asset prices were appreciating and then get out right before they started falling back down? While many scoff at this idea – claiming you can’t time the market – it’s entirely possible. This is known as the market timing strategy. […]

Dollar Cost Averaging vs Timing the Market: What’s the Difference & Which is Better?

Posted on: 22 May 2023

Picture yourself standing at a crossroads in your investment journey, with two distinct paths stretching out before you. On one side, there’s the basic, familiar approach of dollar cost averaging. On the other, you’re presented with a more dynamic, rewarding path of market timing. While it’s easy to stick to what you know – and […]

Market Timing Strategies That Work

Posted on: 22 May 2023

In the fast-paced world of investing, the ability to successfully time the market can be a game-changer. Being ahead of the curve and consistently, accurately predicting major moves in individual stocks and the market as a whole sets you apart from other investors, allowing you to get in and out of your positions at the […]

Best Market Timing Indicator: Demystifying Relative Timing (RT)

Posted on: 22 May 2023

Consistently finding the perfect entry and exit points and managing your positions with an even-keeled demeanor is a perpetual battle for even the savviest investors. If you’re tired of feeling stressed and overwhelmed as you attempt to time your trades, you’re in the right place. Because below, we’ll unveil the best market timing indicator for […]

Best Stock Analysis App for Beginners and Seasoned Traders Alike

Posted on: 22 May 2023

Do you feel overwhelmed looking at your trading dashboard? Are you tired of watching your hard-earned money slip through your fingers or feeling like you’re consistently missing out on opportunities to grow your wealth? These are feelings modern-day investors are all too familiar with. For too long, the industry has settled for less than the […]

Timing the Market vs Time in the Market: Is One Better Than the Other?

Posted on: 22 May 2023

Timing the market vs time in the market – a subtle variance in phrasing, but a dramatic difference in investment strategy. While these two principles may sound similar, they speak to opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of how you should invest your capital. Those who advocate for market timing believe in investing more […]

Foot Locker Falls 27%+ After Abandoning Full-Year Outlook: Is This an Overreaction or is it Time to Sell?

Posted on: 19 May 2023

Alibaba Falls Short in Earnings & Announces Cloud Business Spinoff: Time to Buy, Sell, or Hold?

Posted on: 18 May 2023

RH Stock Rebounds After Being Dumped By Berkshire Hathaway – But We Still See 2 Issues…

Posted on: 17 May 2023