VectorVest is pleased to announce the release of “VectorVest OptionsPro,” a state of the art stock options platform, on Monday, February 10, 2014. This product, along with VectorVest 7, is designed to provide the ultimate experience in trading stock options, i.e., knowing when to trade, what to trade and how to trade for maximum profits.

The single most important factor in becoming a successful options trader lies in knowing when to be bullish and when to be bearish. This critical decision is basically a matter of assessing market direction, a task which is right up VectorVest’s alley. Once a trader has decided to be bullish or bearish, VectorVest has the tools and techniques to find the best stocks upon which the trader may place his or her option positions.

The trader may use OptionsPro at this point to purchase option positions at the lowest cost and/or sell them at the highest prices. It does this by analyzing data on both historical and implied volatility. High volatility causes option premiums to go up, but it also increases the probability that the underlying asset will go above Call option Strike Prices or below Put option Strike Prices. So there’s a trade-off which makes it very difficult to know exactly which Strike Price and Expiration Date is most likely to result in the highest level of success at the lowest cost on a purchase or the highest return on a sell. OptionsPro does the work and lists the most promising option candidates.

You may see an instructional video on how OptionsPro works by clicking on the following link:

If you would like to order a monthly subscription to OptionsPro, visit:

If you would like to order an annual subscription to OptionsPro, visit:

OptionsPro is embedded in VectorVest and it appears that they were made for each other:
VectorVest OptionsPro.

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