10 11, 2022


By |2023-12-07T21:11:01+00:00November 10th, 2022|Categories: Feature: Stock Market Investing, Featured: News, International, Stock Market|Tags: , , , |

Written by: Susan HayesCulleton A month ago, I presented at Stan Heller’s International Forum about how to measure stock performance. I posed five different ways of looking at this whereby the first was one’s ability to execute, the second related to keeping a trading journal, and the third one was my own productivity metric [...]

22 09, 2022


By |2023-12-07T21:16:14+00:00September 22nd, 2022|Categories: Feature: Stock Market Investing, Financial, Press Release, Stock Market, Stock Market News, VectorVest, VectorVest News|Tags: , , |

The VectorVest Stock Market Master Class will teach you effective, common-sense strategies and techniques that have helped thousands of investors consistently make money in the stock market through bull and bear markets. Successful investing is the ultimate way to "level up" financially. And this Master Class will show you the right way to [...]

4 08, 2022

How to spot what companies are hiding in their accounts – Fantastic Female Fridays

By |2023-12-07T21:16:28+00:00August 4th, 2022|Categories: Fantastic Female Fridays, Featured: News, Market in Review, Stock Market, VectorVest, VectorVest News|Tags: , , , , , |

How to spot what companies are hiding in their accounts In the latest episode of Fantastic Female Fridays, we have the founder and CEO of Accountant Online, Larissa Feeney in our show, to share her insightful views based on her professional experience in the accounting industry.   What are the key principles that underpin a [...]

1 08, 2022

How to Analyze a Stock Before Buying: the Complete Guide to Analysis

By |2023-12-07T21:16:28+00:00August 1st, 2022|Categories: Stock Market|Tags: , |

The stock market can be a fascinating place, with buyers and sellers connecting from all around the globe to bet on the future prospects of companies. Amongst all the interconnected movements and market forces at play, how do seasoned investors identify stocks worth buying? And what does the research process look like before determining what [...]

1 08, 2022

What Affects Stock Price? The Driving Factors of Value in the Market

By |2023-12-07T21:16:29+00:00August 1st, 2022|Categories: Stock Market|Tags: , , |

It goes without saying that the stock market is a complex system that is affected by many factors. Strike prices move up or down depending on the actions of government regulators, political players, individual companies, institutional investors, hobbyists, and more. Each party is making their own decisions based on the knowledge and philosophies they possess, [...]

1 08, 2022

What is EPS in the Stock Market? Earnings Per Share Defined

By |2023-12-07T21:16:29+00:00August 1st, 2022|Categories: Stock Market|Tags: , |

When conducting technical analysis on a company and determining whether they fit your criteria for investing, you have no shortage of metrics at your disposal. You can consider a company's P/E ratio, EBITDA, ROE, etc. But, perhaps the most important of all? EPS. Wait - what is EPS in the stock market, exactly? That's exactly [...]

1 08, 2022

What Is Market Sentiment? How Investor Attitude Impacts Stocks

By |2023-12-07T21:16:29+00:00August 1st, 2022|Categories: Stock Market|Tags: , , , , |

As we continue to hear talks of a looming recession and mounting investor disappointment, you may begin to wonder exactly how these bearish expectations have an impact on the stock market.  Market sentiment like this is present in all stages of a market cycle, but just like learning how inflation affects the stock market, understanding [...]

25 07, 2022

ESG & Tech Show – What is driving fintech and is it investable today?

By |2023-12-07T21:16:30+00:00July 25th, 2022|Categories: ESG & Tech Show, Fantastic Female Fridays, Featured: News, International, Market in Review, Stock Market, Stock Market News, VectorVest, VectorVest News|Tags: , , , |

ESG & Tech Show – What is driving fintech and is it investable today? In the latest ESG & Tech show episode, I discussed fintech, what drives it and whether it’s an investable theme right now. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, fintech is financial technology. It includes everything from payments, online banking, [...]

1 07, 2022

What Does Inflation Do To The Stock Market?

By |2023-12-07T21:28:51+00:00July 1st, 2022|Categories: Stock Market|Tags: , , |

When there are talks of high inflation, you may begin to wonder how it will impact the markets. It may be easier to comprehend how inflation affects prices at the grocery store or airline tickets–but what about your stock portfolio? For instance, you may have a good idea of how a recession can affect the [...]

1 07, 2022

The Complete Guide On Inflation Hedging: What Is A Hedge Against Inflation?

By |2023-12-07T21:28:51+00:00July 1st, 2022|Categories: Stock Market|Tags: , , |

When inflation continues to rise and ongoing market volatility brings up questions of a possible bear market, investors are looking for ways to protect their portfolios. Researching and learning how to invest in a recession is a good way for investors to approach the period ahead, though the rising inflation itself requires special attention.  Inflation [...]

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