About: VectorVest


Posts by VectorVest:

3 Things Every Investor Should Know About Stocks

Posted on: 14 May 2013

As a savvy investor, there are three things you should know about stocks: what a stock is really worth; how safe is the stock; and when to buy, sell or hold the stock.

Three Easy Steps to Ensure a Golden Retirement

Posted on: 02 May 2013

Of all the reasons to invest, one of the most important is to ensure you have enough money to live on when you are retired. However, most retirees don’t have enough money to get by. CNBC reports nearly half of retirees will actually run out of money.

Do You Have an Investor’s Midas Touch?

Posted on: 22 Apr 2013

Here is an article by Dr. Bart DiLiddo excerpted from this week’s VectorVest overview. Learn how VectorVest can help you make informed decisions on when to buy–and sell!–gold and gold stocks.

Market Timing Makes a Difference

Posted on: 18 Apr 2013

The VectorVest MTI Makes It Easy to View Underlying Market Trends! As the graph below indicates, VectorVest’s proprietary MTI (Market Timing Indicator) makes it so easy to see what’s going on with the underlying trend of the market. This helps you avoid complacency and overexposure at market tops. Notice how VectorVest’s MTI is trending lower, […]

How To Buy Stocks

Posted on: 27 Mar 2013

VectorVest prides itself in guiding investors on when to buy, what to buy and when to sell stocks. We believe in buying rising stocks in rising markets. The Color Guard is prominently displayed on the Home Page and is designed to provide fast, visual information on market direction. When I buy a stock, I want to see it close the day with a gain. So I want to be absolutely certain that both the market and the stock are rising at the very instant I hit the Buy button.

Something Magic About VST

Posted on: 08 Feb 2013

I received an email this week asking me to explain the following Custom Field: ((CI*RV*RS*Value)/ActualPrice).

Let the Wizard be Your Guide

Posted on: 18 Jan 2013

On December 3, 2004, I wrote an essay called, “VectorVest Simple.” Its purpose was to illustrate how easy it was to pick winners by looking at high VST stocks in Stock Viewer. Well, it’s been a long time since I wrote that essay and a lot of things have changed. Fortunately, they changed for the better.

The Sure-Fire Success Performance Guarantee

Posted on: 11 Jan 2013

From the reports I have received, the Tampa Two-Day Investment Seminar was a great success. I was told there was a buzz in the air and attendees were eager to learn all they could about our Sure-Fire Success, SFS, Trading Systems…and well they should have been.

2013: Our Silver Anniversary

Posted on: 28 Dec 2012

Come January 1, 2013, VectorVest will be embarking upon its twenty fifth year in business, and we look forward to all the challenges and opportunities it will bring.

The Secret to Making Money in the Stock Market

Posted on: 01 Dec 2012

There’s a battle raging on Wall Street. The Bulls are looking for a market bottom and the Bears are saying the selling will continue. Both camps are making their point with a plethora of facts, fiction and fluff. How can we cut through the flack and focus on what’s really going to happen?