On the 4th episode of Fantastic Female Fridays, I had the opportunity to interview Linda Royer, CEO in her first ever public appearance in the role. Linda is truly an amazing, talented woman  with so much empathy and strategic vision.

Let me share my 5 key takeaways from our chat.

  1. Her achievements are synergized

In responding to my question about what the three greatest achievements of the company were, Linda referred to its ability to survive and thrive in varying economic conditions, while teaching tens of thousands of people to invest profitably in the stock market and achieve a lifestyle that’s free of financial worry. VectorVest has also built a staff that could rival any Fortune 500 company. In each case, it’s clear that Linda brings a unified vision to move the company forward.

  1. She is gender blind

Linda doesn’t see gender (nor race, nor color, nor status). Many people say that, but she proved it in our discussion by sharing a short anecdote. She was 18 years into her employment in the company when she noticed that she was in a man’s world. Up until then, she hadn’t noticed that she was the only woman on the senior management team. She had been given equal opportunity and it’s her wish and mindful intent to empower and provide equal opportunity no matter your gender or race.

  1. She puts her money where her mouth is

Linda gave us an insight into life in her early days. Her Dad owned a business but didn’t put any plan in place for when he could no longer run the business. This observant young girl in Ohio was going to do things differently as soon as she could afford to.

That took ten whole years of listening to people telling her on the phone how much VectorVest had changed their lives. She told her husband that she was going to put her Christmas bonus and some savings into the market (using her own tailored version of the Teenyboppers Strategy), but he was worried, cautious and afraid that it would just disappear.

The next year, he not only encouraged her to do so, but gave her some of his money to invest with hers. Since then, she has used VectorVest’s Market Timing signals to make decisions with her 401k and as she says herself, she has made a ton of money…

  1. She does the next right thing

While it’s easy to be overwhelmed by adversity or by all you want to achieve sometimes, Linda always focuses on doing the next right thing. Look to the next immediate task that you need to do, and focus your attention there, no matter how far away the final destination may be.

However, it’s critical that the thing you choose to do is in harmony with others around you, the environment and one’s moral compass. Doing the right thing might take longer or prove harder, but it’s the right thing to do.

  1. Her five year goals are big and audacious

Linda has big dreams for the company. She wants to empower countless more people towards financial freedom. She wants the product to be better and better all the time and dovetail right in with what customer’s evolving needs and wants are.

She wants to enable people within the business to be in positions that maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. The subscribers, staff and the social community around VectorVest are all going to benefit and as host of Fantastic Female Fridays, I’m excited for this journey!


Watch the entire episode here:

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