A day hardly goes by anymore that I don’t get a hyped-up email pushing marijuana stocks. I know that marijuana stocks have made some explosive price moves in the past, but the claims in some of the things I’m getting are simply preposterous.

Here’s a direct quote from one that came in yesterday: “$100 Explodes Into $1,245,558 With Just TWO Penny Pot Stocks!” The writer says “given the right timing and a bit of luck here’s exactly how you could’ve done it:

On November 14, 2017, you could’ve grabbed 3,333 shares of Cannabis Strategic Ventures, (NUGS), at $0.03 a share, and you could’ve sold them on January 3, 2018 for $19,405. Then you pocket the $100 and use the $19,305 profit on January 9, 2018 to snag shares of Big Time Holdings Inc., (BTHI), for $0.0155. On March 23, 2018, BTHI traded for $1.00 per share, and your stake was worth $1,245,558.”

Unbelievable? Yes, it is, but if you read through the blizzard of hype you’ll see that the writer also says, “I would never actually recommend attempting this method,” but used it to show you the power behind the plays he targets. Incidentally, the two stocks cited above are not in the VectorVest database…they have not published the required financial data. A subscription to the service usually costs $3,000, but you can get a lifetime subscription plus a myriad of other stuff for only $2,000.

So, what is VectorVest doing to help you make a million bucks on marijuana stocks? Well, we wouldn’t advise you to buy penny stocks with the hope of getting rich in a matter of months. We believe that the safest, surest way to make money in the stock market is to follow our Guide to Worry-Free Investing.

If you want to experience the thrill of trading marijuana stocks for fun and profit, we can help you with that too. There are no gimmicks. We simply would buy the safest marijuana stocks with the best price performance. In other words, we would favor the top stocks in the Healthcare(Marijuana) Industry Group sorted by RS*CI.

Here’s how to find these stocks:

  1. Click on the Viewers tab. Click on Industry Viewer, sort alphabetically by clicking on Industry in the Title Bar.
  2. Scroll to Healthcare(Marijuana). Right click. Select View Stocks in Industry Group. Sort by RS*CI Desc.
  3. Adjust the calendar to a date shown in the table below and run QuickTests of Top 5 marijuana stocks to today’s date.

Here are the results:

Date % Gain Winners Losers
5/18/2017 158.35 4 1
5/18/2016 508.34 5 0
5/18/2015 331.16 3 2
5/19/2014 237.84 3 2
5/17/2013 1108.02 3 0
5/18/2012 76.92 1 0

These good results are not surprising because the companies with the best financial performance will usually have the best stock price performance. If you have VectorVest, there’s no need to speculate when picking marijuana stocks. Simply select the best and your portfolio will go on a Marijuana High.

As of May 18, 2018, FactSet Earnings Insight reported that 465 (93%) of S&P500 companies have released Q1 2018 earnings. 363 or 78% have reported positive earnings surprises and 358 or 77% have reported positive sales surprises. Our Market Climate Graph shows that S&P500 EPS rose $0.02 per share since last Friday and now stands at $5.44 per share. Our Earnings Trend Indicator, ETI, remained unchanged at a level of 1.17. Since it is above 1.00, earnings are trending higher and the market is in a Bull Market Scenario. Stay tuned for our next Earnings Update.

What you should do next…

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