About: VectorVest


Posts by VectorVest:

How to Change the Narrative about Money with special guest Jen Hemphill – Fantastic Female Fridays

Posted on: 13 Dec 2021

How to change the narrative about money In the latest episode of Fantastic Female Fridays, I invited Jen Hemphill as a guest to the show. Personally, I think that Jen has a lot of great wisdom to share (as evidenced in her podcast) and like me, she likes action-focused practicality and has a genuine interest […]

Highlights of 2021- The ESG & Tech Show

Posted on: 08 Dec 2021

Five ESG & Tech Trends that Shaped 2021 In the final episode of the, I focused on the five key trends that have defined 2021. Here is a snapshot of what we discussed: Climate fintech I think 2020 was the year that truly wanted to “shop local”. There was a sense of community, wanting to […]

Robo-Advisor – Past and Future- ESG & Tech Show

Posted on: 19 Nov 2021

In my most recent episode of ESG & Tech, I focused on the past and future of Robo Advisor. This is an area that has been of particular interest to me for a while now because Many argue that the traditional models of advising are broken. AUM fees favour larger accounts. Fee-based advice crowds out […]

How to Analyse SPACs on VectorVest

Posted on: 28 Oct 2021

During this week’s episode of the ESG & Tech Show, we discussed: — what’s driving their growth? — what is different about their structure? — how to analyse them using VectorVest? In my preparation for this show, I noted a distinct sense of cynicism that came from two places. The “blank-check” companies in the 90’s […]

Fastest growing ETFs in ESG – The ESG & Tech Show

Posted on: 21 Jul 2021

The Fastest Growing ESG ETFs in the World Younger investors think Exchange Traded Funds have always been here. However, we know that’s not the case. In fact, the first American ETF was born in 1993 and it’s one of the most traded equity instruments today; namely SPY (the S&P 500 ETF). The first European ETFs […]

How Has the Pandemic Changed Life for Women? – Fantastic Female Fridays

Posted on: 15 Jul 2021

The impact of COVID 19 has taken up a disproportionate amount of conversation over the past 18 months. Lots of us have been talking about how our lifestyles have changed, how the world of work needs to embrace its new normal, and the reflections we’ve had on challenging the very assumption of being in the […]

Where Does the World’s Spending Power Get Invested? – Fantastic Female Fridays | VectorVest Live

Posted on: 11 Jun 2021

Who spends the world’s money? According to Forbes magazine, “women make up more than half of the U.S. population, and control or influencer 85% of consumer spending”. During this episode of Fantastic Female Fridays, I sought to answer where women are diverting this spending, which companies are answering that call, the future trends of these […]

Top VST Stocks

Posted on: 27 May 2021

…Exactly When to Buy, What to Buy and When to Sell for Maximum Profit! VectorVest’s Top VST Stocks returned 81.18% over the last year, with just a 7.2% maximum drawdown. Only VectorVest’s combination of top quality stocks and superior market timing can produce such high returns and low drawdown in a volatile market!   VectorVest […]

VectorVest Buy and Sell Recommendations

Posted on: 10 May 2021

VectorVest analyzes, sorts and ranks over 17,600 stocks every day and gives a Buy, Sell, Hold Recommendation on every stock, every day…

Do Companies With Gender Balance Really Make More Money? – Fantastic Female Fridays | VectorVest

Posted on: 07 May 2021

DO COMPANIES WITH GENDER BALANCE REALLY MAKES MORE MONEY?   It’s a pretty bold claim that boards with more gender-diverse compositions make better decisions and that leads to better business outcomes across the triple bottom line i.e. profit, planet, and people. However, what data can truly back this up?   During this episode of Fantastic […]