About: VectorVest


Posts by VectorVest:

The WatchDog

Posted on: 07 Jan 2011

Every now and then a new tool is created that simply blows your mind. Well, it blew mine anyway. This tool is so good, I can’t leave it alone. I love it and I think you will too. So what is it? Before getting ahead of myself, I’d like to give you a little background. […]

The Comeback Kids

Posted on: 19 Mar 2010

I introduced the subject of Net Profit Margin, NPM, two weeks ago because first quarter earnings reports were quite good, but that wasn’t good enough for many analysts…they were looking for signs of better sales growth. Everyone knows that sales growth is vital to a company’s long-term viability. Increased sales normally lead to rising earnings […]

A Whole New Dimension

Posted on: 12 Mar 2010

Net Profit Margin, NPM, which I introduced last week, shows the after tax profit that a company makes, in percent, for each dollar of sales it receives. It directly relates bottom line and top line performance in one simple figure and, therefore, is a wonderful measure of profitability. Take La-Z-Boy, Inc., LZB, yesterday’s top stock […]

Romancing the NPM

Posted on: 05 Mar 2010

About 30 years ago, I was in charge of a billion dollar business that was largely involved with a commodity, plastic. We were the world’s leading producer of this plastic, making over two billion pounds a year. In order to cut costs, the business was integrated back to its basic raw materials that came right […]

Riding the Wave

Posted on: 18 Aug 2008

Think of the money you could make if you rode the up and down movements of the market over and over again. Herein lies the key to “Riding the Wave” with VectorVest. Think of the market as the sea. The sea is forever changing. At times it is calm, orderly and peaceful. At other times […]

How I Use Stock Viewer

Posted on: 10 Nov 2006

You have probably heard the story about the guy who was called in by the IRS to have his tax return audited. When he showed up at the IRS’s office, he carried two large shopping bags of check stubs, receipts and stuff and dumped them on the auditor’s desk. “Here,” he said, “you figure it […]

VectorVest Simple

Posted on: 03 Dec 2004

Guilty. I admit it. I’m guilty. What with the UniSearch tool and now the AutoTimer, I’m in search of a killer strategy that makes money no matter what. But isn’t VectorVest supposed to help me do that in the first place? Yes, of course. VectorVest is designed to bring the “best” stocks to your attention […]

The Earnings Indicator

Posted on: 28 Mar 2003

Last week, I introduced you to the “The Truth Chart.” This chart provides an array of the eight possible combinations of earnings, inflation and interest rates which may exist in Bull and Bear markets. We used it last week to chronicle the rise and fall of the market from January 1995 to the present time. […]

The Truth Chart

Posted on: 21 Mar 2003

Geopolitical concerns have dominated investor’s attention for the last few months, causing stock prices to wither and, more recently, soar on expectations of a quick victory in Iraq. The primary benefit of an easy win over Iraq is that it would eliminate a major factor inflicting pain on the market. Unfortunately, it will not solve […]